A Winter Storm

A Winter Storm


Winter glares at me through frosted glass,
Daring me to leave the comfort of my chair.
Frigid winds whoosh loudly through the eaves.
Branches scrape and creak against the grey slate roof
I close my eyes and rest my head,
And listen to the winter wail

Flickering flames cast shadows on the hearth.
Leaping in the solstice dance to taunt the wind
Lacy flakes wing wildly round in squalls.
Flirting, urging me to join them in their play
I close my eyes and rest my head,
And listen to the crackling logs.

On my lap, a favorite fiction waits
By my side, an aromatic pot of tea
Nothing can seduce me from this place
Winter’s quiet peace will heal my weary soul
I close my eyes and rest my head,
And wrapped in wooly warmth, I doze.

Posted By

Eileen V Finley